Sorry to all who expected us at Valley View Park today. We were watching the storm come in and the winds were going strong enough to damage to the window cover. And now, at 6pm, the winds are going yeah, but it’s not the storm we were expecting to come through and hammer us. We’re apparently still getting used to the weather and how wildly unpredictable it is… We’re working with Foot Hills Parks to get back out there and make up the day soon. In the south, when wind gets going like that with rain, its not something that moves through too quickly. Yes, we have our quick showers, but they aren’t something that blows through at 50 mile per hour and then everything is all done. It sticks around for a few hours at least..
Next week, Stony Creek HOA is having their final last Tuesday food truck in the park event. We are looking into alternatives to place our trailer in a different spot to continue serving the best Southern Mac and Cheese to the kids after school. We will post more information as the schedule is finalized.
Again, we apologize for the inconvenience and hope to see you at our next opening in the park for after school snack.